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  • Javi Martín's avatar
    Upgrade Ruby to version 3.1.4 · e74eff21
    Javi Martín authored
    Note we updated the `mail` gem in commit 10374284, which is necesary
    for Ruby 3.1 because it adds the net-smtp dependency. The net-smtp
    library was removed from Ruby in Ruby 3.1, and if we don't include it,
    we get an error:
    cannot load such file -- net/smtp (LoadError)
    We're also updating the Bundler version in the Gemfile.lock so it's the
    one included in Ruby 3.1. Without updating it, we get a warning:
    Calling `DidYouMean::SPELL_CHECKERS.merge!(error_name => spell_checker)'
    has been deprecated. Please call `DidYouMean.correct_error(error_nam e,
    spell_checker)' instead.
    Finally, in order to make Capistrano work, we need to add a couple more
    * Make the net-ssh gem compatible with SSL 3.0; done in commit b2eec088
    * Explicitly allow aliases in the `deploy-secrets.yml` file because
      Psych 4.x (included in Ruby 3.1) doesn't load aliases without this